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I would like to welcome you to Canine Bliss Dog Training, LLC.  I have been blessed with the opportunity to work with dogs and owners professionally for more than 18 years.  I hope you enjoy looking through our website.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.  I am fulfilling a life long dream of training dogs and coaching owners.  I look forward to hearing from you!



- Kris Bliss

Owner / Instructor

Find any one of our team members working the front office or assisting with classes!
Brandon & Tebow

Brandon is Kris's oldest son. Brandon's hobbies include playing the drums and sprint car races.


Brent is Kris's youngest son. Brent's hobbies include fishing, hunting, and playing drums.


Vicki is a first grade teacher at Lutz and volunteers working the front desk.  Vicki loves her Golden Retriever,  Bailey and Beagle, Buddy.

Martha & Hickory

Martha volunteers in Puppy Preschool.  Martha enjoys doing tricks with Hickory, her Labradoodle.  Martha loves to take her therapy dog, Wren to Stamm Elementary so students can read to her.  


Amanda is a Project Coordinator for Regional Growth Partnership based in Toledo, Ohio, but grew up and still resides in Fremont with her fur baby Gracie Lynn and her boyfriend Drake.  Amanda met Kris in 2018 when she brought her puppy in for obedience classes and became an official member of the team in early 2020.  Amanda's favorite part of working for Canine Bliss is meeting all of the dogs and their wonderful owners.  

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